Four geeks from Lebanon, from left to right we have Jad Joubran, Georges Frewat, Donald Derek Haddad and Roy Naufal landed in Dubai for a united purpose, winning. We fought with our laptops and music till the end, and got the title back to our country. It was a hell of an experience my friends.
Day 1:
Dubai was just another huge playground where you can checkin into places. Had fun doing so on Foursquare with my friend @JoubranJad, not to mention the brainstorming sessions that we had before the competition.

Day 2:
We first examined the Atlantis Hotel where the Arabnet conference took place, and we discovered the following:

My friend @JoubranJad introduced me to some cool Lebanese people that he met through Twitter! Thank you @Myrnz, @BilalDelly, @GhiwaArn, @Verified_Gus and @MissD5 for the amazing tour!
If you trust in @BilalDelly‘s taste you’ll end up eating something close to that:

Day 3:
The big day is here, it’s time to be serious and stressed, it’s not that I wanted to, but I couldn’t help it. Panic Mode got automatically turned ON at 5:30 am, and I turned OFF all the alarms!
At the event you could easily sense the calm before the storm:

Find out more details about the Arabnet DevTour and Championship at Roy’s Blog
Day 4:
I was so proud to represent Lebanon and Lamba Labs, the force was with us.

I’m also proud of the Lebanese team, we were so united. you guys Rock!

One last thing, I would like to thank @ArabNetME, @OmarChr and the Arabnet Team for this awesome experience, not to forget the great “evil” mind behind this competition @beshr
Anytime man 🙂 at least this is food, not like the thing @ghiwaarn had you eat … 😛
PS: we still love you Ghiwa 😛
Haha cheers mate! yea @ghiwaarn is not very talented at picking up restaurants, but she’s really interesting when it comes to reading and books 😉
So Derek, (not sure if we’re at a stage where I can call you Donald) it was a pleasure meeting you as well. Enjoyed our discussion over beer, and next time you’re in town, will make sure to take you somewhere better than the one Bilal (aka DubaiNoob) recommended… (no hard feelings Bilal :P)
Myrnz! you can call me Derek :p the pleasure is mine! unfortunately I didn’t have a cool pic at the bar to share, but it was quite amazing, and the discussion was fun 😉 will let you know whenever I’m in Dubai, and you should do the same when you come to Lebanon! Cheers woman!
It was awesome having booza with u ^_^ you should have extended. Congrats on the win and come again soon <3
Forever young <3